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Plastic Free Coastlines ? At least 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year!
Think before you flush: Did you know, on average there are 28 wet wipes found on every mile of UK beach?
There are now 50 washed up wet wipes for every KM of British coastline
Plastic Free Coastlines ?

What is the problem with plastic in our oceans ?

For wildlife, it can be deadly. Plastic can entangle, injure and drown animals; it can also be mistaken for food and starve animals to death by blocking their digestive systems

For us humans it’s not looking good either. At risk are our wild spaces and oxygen supply as well as our health. The chemicals that plastics leach into seawater have been linked to endocrine disruption and some cancers

With 1 in 3 fish caught for human consumption now containing plastic, it’s no longer a question of if there is plastic in our seafood, but how bad exactly that contamination is for us

Plastic Pollution: The facts 

Think Before You Flush

Sewage Related Debris comes directly from our sewer network, regularly escaping into the environment when sewers overflow. They mix with raw human waste which contains harmful pathogens and microorganisms causing illnesses that range from the annoying to life threatening

 A cotton bud stick can take 150 years to break down in the marine environment

Changing the sanitary product industry’s practices and our bathroom behaviour will solve this unsanitary problem and ensure environmental protection on two fronts.

The average cost to customers of a blockage clearance by a private drain clearance company is £66 but can be much higher

Changing behaviour can come via a number of means; fundamentally it requires an individual and/or industry to change their actions. Individual change can be influenced external factors by challenging industry to increase awareness of the impacts flushing certain products can have on the environment, and underpinning requirements for this through legislation leads to the best results

 Did you know, on average there are 28 wet wipes found on every mile of UK beach?

Please, please, please ……..